Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Couples Workshop
The Seven Principles Couples Workshop is based on the internationally acclaimed research of Dr. John Gottman as presented in his New York Times bestselling book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. This educational workshop is designed to help couples improve their friendship and conflict management skills.

Workshop Details:
The Seven Principles Couples Workshop includes lectures and private couples exercises which will span the six-week course. Registration includes the book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman, two workbooks, and refreshments. Participants will not share their interpersonal struggles in front of the group.
What You Will Learn
This six-week workshop provides proven tools to help couples:
- Improve friendship, fondness, and admiration
- Enhance romance and intimacy
- Manage conflict constructively
- Gain skills to address perpetual and solvable problems
- Create shared meaning
- Maintain gains throughout a lifetime
Who Should Attend:
- Pre-engaged
- Premarital
- Everyone from newlyweds to seniors
- Those who wish to enhance a good marriage
- Those needing better conflict management tools
Additional Considerations:
This workshop is educational in nature and is not considered counseling. Couples experiencing severe conflict may not be appropriate for this workshop.
Due to limited space and needed materials, refunds and transfers will not be issued for any reason.
We look forward to having you join us for this workshop to help you pour a solid foundation that you can build upon for years to come! Don't wait, register today!

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